SiMU Pro released to the App Store!

  • Download SiMU Pro at:
  • Visit the forum at:
  • SiMU works with the UCS Simulator available at
  • This software is not sponsored by or supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Read-write usernames are now usable. Some options can be changed in the system. PLEASE be careful, and use a RO username if you are worried about making a human error.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beta 2.6.7 is ready

If you have sent me your UUID information as of this post, then you are included in this beta from here out and can use 2.6.7 and any future versions. There are a number of people using OS version 3.1.2 (including mine), so the iPhone version will continue to be built with that being the minimum supported OS. There will continue to be an "iPhone" build around this OS version for as long as possible. The iPad build will be based on OS 3.2, the minimum version for the iPad. If you are using a iPhone with version 3.2 and above, you can use this version if you want. There is no difference in the code, just what the libraries that it was built with.

New in this version:
1. Service profile information and assignment. Yep, you can now assign an existing profile to a blade. You can also unassign one, or change the blade assignment.
2. It's also possible to control the power of the blade from the service profile screen using essentially the same controls that you had from the chassis/blade views.
3. I'm also now sorting the errors by severity, and the service profiles by name.

What's next:
1. More code reuse and cleanup in preparation for App store submittal.
2. Possible inclusion of a Read-Only switch on the settings screen so you could turn off any changes that you might do by mistake (you should use a Read-Only user ID if you are concerned about this).
3. Possible sorting or differentiation of service profiles and templates.

Known issues:
1. Don't put any "carriage returns" in the description of the service profiles. It can't be applied if you try it (not breaks, but it won't be applied and you will get an unknown error 401).
2. If a service profile has it's power setting to "on" and it's tied to a template, and you unassociate it, it will show an error. I think the error is "normal" and doesn't have anything to do with how I'm removing the association, but I need to do more testing to figure out if there is a way to change this.
3. There are no controls of information based on Organization.

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