SiMU Pro released to the App Store!

  • Download SiMU Pro at:
  • Visit the forum at:
  • SiMU works with the UCS Simulator available at
  • This software is not sponsored by or supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Read-write usernames are now usable. Some options can be changed in the system. PLEASE be careful, and use a RO username if you are worried about making a human error.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Version 2.6.11 is available

I've added a button tot he info screen that will allow you to turn off SSL. This will allow the software to be used with the UCSM simulator available on the Cisco web site at This option needs to be turned off each time you run the application. There are some known issues with the simulator that can be found in the forums. There may be more problems, but it's a sim, so you can't really break anything. :)

Unless you want to run unsecured XML over HTTP, there is no reason to upgrade to this version.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Minor changes in version 2.6.10

I'm still cleaning up the code and making some minor cosmetic changes. This includes verifying your device has a network connection prior to connecting to the UCSM.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Version 2.6.9 fixes problems

Please upgrade to version 2.6.9. There were two major errors (nothing that would hurt your systems) in 2.6.7. One prevented anything from being changed on the Active Server detail screen, and one that displayed the wrong information on the chassis screen if you have more than one chassis. Thanks Gilles for finding the second one.
