SiMU Pro released to the App Store!

  • Download SiMU Pro at:
  • Visit the forum at:
  • SiMU works with the UCS Simulator available at
  • This software is not sponsored by or supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Read-write usernames are now usable. Some options can be changed in the system. PLEASE be careful, and use a RO username if you are worried about making a human error.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The government!

I've spent the last two weekends and most of the evenings cleaning up SiMU and getting it ready for app store submission. Redoing the icons to be the right size, getting screen shots for iTunes, making sure all my debugging code it removed or turned off, and then I did it. I click the button that says "Add New Application". It asks for the primary language, Done. It asks for the Company Name, Done. Then it asks if I have any encryption in my app... Well, yes it uses SSL, but certainly this can't be what they are referring too. Oh yes it is.

So, now because I use SSL to talk to the UCSM I need to get the government to "approve" my application before I can submit it to Apple. Some people are saying this can take a month or two after I submit.. Pathetic. I'm off to fill out some ridiculous document and submit it (hopefully not via fax) to someone that probably doesn't know anything about this industry. Wish me luck..

I might put out a final beta version based on the release code. We'll see how this goes first.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Spaces getting low in Beta

Well.. I don't know what happened this week, but I had a number of new people ask to get into the Beta. I have only 100 spots to be able to provide beta code, and I have 75 people in now. If you know anyone that wants in, you should let them know soon. As I've said a dozen times now I'm going to work on getting it released to iTunes so I won't have this problem anymore.

I'm on vacation this week from work, but still trying to cover beta requests as I can. Sorry if it took a few days to get you a build.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I hope you all had a great 4th of July (if you are in the USA that is). Otherwise, hopefully you had a good weekend. I've got a lot of good feedback and fixed a few bugs in the last few weeks, and I think I'm close enough now to focus on getting a iTunes capable release out the door. Once that's done I can spend more time working on features and fixing bugs and not making builds and adding people to the development lists I have to keep track of.

Thanks everyone, have a great week. I'm going to be on vacation all week, but still watching e-mail for issues.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Version 2.6.12

I've mostly fixed the bug in the protocols vs the settings. If they match it should not be a problem. If they don't match you should get an error, and it should try to make an secure connection. Please let me know if you see any problems.

BTW, you don't need to enter a full URL into the hostname field. Just use the IP address, or hostname. eg. or

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Web Protocol Bug in 2.6.11

Seenivasan just found a bug in the hostname field on the main page. Security is controlled by the setting on the info screen (i) button in the top right corner. You do not need to type http or https in the hostname field. They will have no effect on the protocol used. The application originally would not use SSL, so I gave an error if you typed "https://hostname" in the field. I since have changed it to use SSL, but I forgot to remove that check.

Please just use the hostname (no http:// or https:// prefix) in the hostname field for UCSM. I've already fixed this for the next version.