SiMU Pro released to the App Store!

  • Download SiMU Pro at:
  • Visit the forum at:
  • SiMU works with the UCS Simulator available at
  • This software is not sponsored by or supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Read-write usernames are now usable. Some options can be changed in the system. PLEASE be careful, and use a RO username if you are worried about making a human error.

Monday, January 17, 2011

SiMU Pro - Released!

SiMU Pro was released on the iTunes App Store today.  SiMU Pro is almost identical to SiMU Lab, with the exception of being able to do SSL encryption.  SiMU Pro can securely be used to connect to a production system.  As always, please test SiMU with a Read Only username if you are not comfortable with the security and or the testing that I have completed.  I make no promises as to the stability or safety of this application.  I've done the best I can to make sure it won't do anything unexpected, but that doesn't mean there isn't a problem that either myself or my beta testers didn't find.

A note about the security of SiMU Pro.  The application will ignore all warnings of a self signed certificates. Basically, I don't look at certificates at all.

Thanks for using SiMU Pro!


  1. Awesome App. Thanks for the great work and the hassle of getting the encryption in the app.
    Any idea if you might get a iPad rez version out ?

  2. I've started it, but have some basic "iPad" issues that I can't get worked out yet. I was hoping to get a first rev out by March, but I don't know if that's going to happen yet. Thanks for the comment!
