SiMU Pro released to the App Store!

  • Download SiMU Pro at:
  • Visit the forum at:
  • SiMU works with the UCS Simulator available at
  • This software is not sponsored by or supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Read-write usernames are now usable. Some options can be changed in the system. PLEASE be careful, and use a RO username if you are worried about making a human error.

Monday, February 13, 2012

SiMU HD - The iPad revolution for Cisco UCS Management

It's been in the works for a long time now, too much Mt. Bike riding is to blame for the amount of time it's taken to build this.  But, as luck would have it, I "ruptured" my ACL so I have plenty of time to work on it now.

I've also enlisted some help on this project to add a real programmer to the team.  Vallard will be doing all the hard stuff.  We had a good meeting last week and added a few todo things to the list.  Below is a bit of a teaser on what's either their now, or I hope to have available when it's released.

Filtering and sorting options for Faults by severity and job role (LAN, SAN) - Partially Done
Filtering and sorting options for Servers by state. - Done
Saving multiple UCS login information (Usernames and URL)
Locator beacon access from service profile
Power draw of a particular blade
Top 5 resource users of the system with pretty graph - Done
Instantiate a Service Profile from a SP Template - Done
Export information via email

We should be ready for beta testers soon.  This version will only be fore an iPad.  It will not run on an iPhone.

-Tige and Vallard